Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminalistics Section

Europeanization of Criminal Law and Principles of the Rule of Law

The Criminal law section will be dedicated to the issues of the Europeanization of Criminal law in correlation with the principles of the rule of law. The aim of this section is to focus on the analysis of the impact of legally binding acts of the European Union on the national criminal justice system and the adherence to the principles of the rule of law in this context. Additionally, the section will conduct a scientific analysis to determine whether there has been a transposition of the EU's legally binding acts into the domestic legal frameworks of its member states.

Guarantors of the section:

prof. JUDr. Jozef Čentéš, DrSc.

Dr.h.c. prof. JUDr. Lucia Kurilovská, PhD.

doc. JUDr. Ondrej Laciak, PhD.