Application of Innovative Tools, Not Only Legal, in Environmental Protection
This section focuses on tools that enable effective protection of the environment and its individual components. We welcome contributions related to the use of modern technologies, such as information systems, big data, Earth remote sensing, and analytical instruments for monitoring, detecting, or assessing the negative impacts of human activities on the environment. We also expect contributions addressing innovative legal tools that ensure more effective enforcement of accountability within this field of law. The section is dedicated to both technical and legal tools that facilitate the enforcement of control and the process of holding accountable in the area of environmental care.
Professional partner of the section:

Guarantors of the section:
prof. JUDr. Mária Srebalová, PhD.
JUDr. Matúš Michalovič, PhD.
The section is organized within the framework of the project APVV-23-0645 (Optimization of the Sanction Mechanism in the Field of Environmental Protection and Increasing its Effectiveness).