Responsibility in Law and Society - International, Constitutional and Theoretical Aspects in the Era of Cyber Threats and Digitalization
Responsibility is the regulator of any normative system because it ensures compliance with the rules in a preventive, punitive and educational way, and imposes consequences for violation. Analyzing theoretical aspects of responsibility within law and society also enables a response to contemporary challenges such as digitalization and cyber threats. Addressing these modern phenomena sheds new light on the concept of legal responsibility, encompassing all its types, including disciplinary liability. Furthermore, the section delves into constitutional dimensions of responsibility – examining the accountability of constitutional authorities and the exercise of constitutional rights, while considering the implications of digitalization and cyber threats. Finally, it explores international legal perspectives on cyber threats, considering key initiatives by international organizations, and assesses the pitfalls and effectiveness of digitalization within judicial cooperation in civil matters.
Guarantors of the section:
prof. JUDr. Mgr. Martina Gajdošová, PhD.
doc. JUDr. Marek Domin, PhD.
prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miroslav Slašťan, PhD.