Constitutional Law section

State as a Protector and Violator of Individual Rights

The reasons for existence of a modern state and a constitution as its legal basis have to be sought mainly in the effort to ensure the protection of individual rights and freedoms, not only through catalogues of human rights, but especially through their institutional guarantees. However, the state, especially its bodies, is also a violator of human rights which it has pledged to protect. Therefore, the constitutional law section welcomes papers dedicated to fundamental rights and freedoms that the Slovak Republic has undertaken to respect, whether through the Constitution or international obligations, as well as papers focused on institutional issues of the constitutional system of the Slovak Republic related to the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. Of course, papers approaching the described questions in foreign law, as well as contributions of a comparative nature, are also welcome.

Guarantors of the section:

prof. JUDr. Tomáš Ľalík, PhD.

doc. JUDr. Marek Domin, PhD.